MOS2 Lubricant And Their Features


Mos2 Lubricant |

Most of us cut a sorry disgruntled figure when we need to apply the messy, oily coating of lubricants. They are really hard to apply. Now is the time to move over to a technologic centric and a viable form of alternative referred to as MOS2 lubricant. It happens to be a dry lubricant. This happens to be one of the popular types of lubricants which is used as the role of the lubricant is to provide exceptional degree of resistance relating to corrosion of industrial or domestic products.

Other pointers about MOS2 Lubricant

MOS2 is rated to among the top dry performing lubricants. A lot of credit is due to the size range in the bracket of 1 to 100 psi along with a low coefficient of fiction. Though moving or flowing lubricants is known to cause high fiction, performance dips due to loss of energy. MOS2 lubricant provides superior level of coating when it comes to a product for durability or resistance to wear and tear.

Coming to the application of MOS2 it is possible in numerous ways in the form of brushing, rubbing, spraying or deposition of vapour physically. Hence you can apply MOS2 based on your convenience and their availability in the market. It can be combined with binders or be it resins and provides a strengthening impact. In vacuum applications the component is also known to perform effectively as it is not reliant on vapour for coating. Since there is no moisture or humidity you will get the best results for coating purposes.

Their main use tends to be in applications that have a higher load bearing capacity of 250 ,000 Psi and above. Due to factors like external moisture presence, operating temperature, the lower coefficient of fiction is taken into consideration. Due to all these reasons MOS2 turns out to be an excellent option. There are a few common areas of application relating to MOS2 like Pins, taps, compressors, Industrial machine tools etc. In a nutshell MOS2 is a dry and a reasonable lubricant that is used to coat industrial applications.


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