Why Do You Need A PCI SSF Assessment For Your Business?


PCI SSF Assessment

Payment Card Industry Software Security Framework (PCI SSF) is a set of security standards related to the design and development of the modern payment software systems. These standards have to be used by the payment software vendors.

The standard includes all the validations required while designing and developing a payment software system. By following the standards you can reduce the risk of data breaches and the unnecessary fines. It reduces the surface of attack on your software environment and makes sure that the security and protection mechanism is implemented.

If your business needs such compliance then the provider will assist you in each step from defining the scope till your business has achieved the compliance status. PCI SSF has two standards namely PCI Secure Software Standard (PCI SSS) and PCI Software Life Cycle (PCI SLC).

Assessment process

By being PCI SSF compliant your business implements an internationally recognized structured methodology for handling payment data. In the PCI SSF assessment your business is analyzed and the relevant system components to be considered for assessment are determined. The assessment process is as follows:

For PCI SSS, the scope of the assessment is determined depending on the security characteristics, controls, functions and the features that the payment software must implement and maintain throughout its lifecycle. 

For PCI SLC, the scope of the assessment is determined depending on the process, technology and the personnel involved in the design, development, deployment and maintenance of the payment software products and services. 

The gaps in the controls are determined by qualified professionals and the remediation support is provided. The check for the PCI SSF compliance is done and the business’s policy procedure requirements.

The status report is provided to all the personnel concerned for a better visibility. Everything is customized according to the client’s requirements.

Two standards in PCI SSF

The standards are as follows:

PCI SSS provides the security requirements and the procedures required for the integrity and the confidentiality of the payment data.

PCI SLC provides the requirements and the procedures for vendors to check how they manage the security of the payment software while developing the complete software lifecycle.


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