What Does a PCI SSF Compliance Consultancy Do?


PCI SSF Compliance Consultancy

PCI SSF is Payment Card Industry Software Security Framework. It is given by the PCI Standard Security Council. It is a set of software security standards related to the design and the development of the payment software systems. 

If you need PCI compliance for your business then you can consult a compliance company. A PCI SSF compliance consultancy offers cybersecurity professionals. They offer compliance solutions to make businesses secure from cyber attacks. They provide quality, risk and compliance services.

PCI SSF certification process

The consultancy will assist you in the compliance process from the beginning till your business attains a PCI SSF compliance status. The process is as follows:

They analyze the business to determine the relevant system components to be taken into consideration.
Their professionals will determine the gaps in control and provide remediation for the gaps.
Check for the PCI SSF compliance, its components and the policies required to be followed by the business.
Make regular status reports about the project to the concerned personnel.
Check for client requirements and customize as needed.
Consult the parties involved for better conclusions and documentations.

The consultancies also provide maintenance services and also assessment services if they are certified by the PCI SSC.

PCI SSF compliance

There are two standards in the PCI SSF. One of them is PCI Secure Software Standard (PCI SSS) and another is PCI Software Life Cycle (PCI SLC). 

PCI SSS defines the security required for the protection of the payment card data. It focuses on the security of the payment transactions and the data, reduces the vulnerabilities and how to defend itself from security attacks. This standard protects the sensitive data during the processes like capture, store, process and transmit. It verifies if the software is configured properly and meets the requirements.

PCI SLC defines the procedure to be followed by the vendors while managing the security of the payment software during the entire development process. This standard focuses on the security concepts used while developing the software. It concentrates on the vendor software development process. The standard is designed to support a range of technologies, types of payment software and development methodologies.


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