Benefits of Diesel Generator Monitoring System

Diesel Generator Monitoring System | Image Resource:

Certain 24-hours services like the ones involved in industries, hospitals, businesses, restaurants, etc. need an around-the-clock supply of fuel. Diesel is one of the major fuels used in the majority of areas for power generation. In the case of power failure, many backup power stations use diesel for the power source. In all these cases uninterrupted supply of diesel is very important. 

Need for diesel generator monitoring:

Diesel helps to generate power in case of an emergency. The diesel generator monitoring system uses a combination of diesel engines along with an electric generator. This device generates electricity that is used for various purposes. This diesel generator monitoring system monitors information like consumption of fuel, fuel refilling, the run time of the fuel generator, proper functioning of the generator, etc. 

Benefits of diesel generator monitoring:

There are various benefits of diesel generator monitoring systems like:

  • Optimizing energy: The use of this diesel generator monitoring system helps to understand the exact power requirement. It records the total units of power generated on daily basis and also can maintain the record continuously. This helps in getting the optimum energy generated per liter.
  • Prevent the theft of diesel: The system helps in monitoring every drop of fuel that is removed from the tank. In case of fuel theft, the containers are filled less than the claimed fuel quantity. This system helps to deliver the exact quantity of fuel that is needed.
  • Reduced maintenance cost: The system keeps the record of various parameters while operating. This includes the engine tune time, temperature control, pressure, battery voltage, etc. It also helps in generating automated SMS alerts for use, servicing, and maintenance. This reduces the overall maintenance charges. 
  • Increased efficiency: The efficiency of the diesel generator monitoring system is enhanced as the parameters like current load, total energy production, amount of fuel consumed, etc are known. It also considers the parameters like temperature and pressure while working of the system.
  • Analytical reports: The diesel generator monitoring system can generate the reports for the operations as well as for fuel consumption. These reports can be presented as hourly, weekly, or even monthly reports as needed. These reports help in making proper business decisions for energy generation. 
  • Preventive maintenance: It includes the preventive maintenance program. It keeps records of the functioning of the generator. It notifies if there are any abnormalities in functioning and thus alerting for maintenance.

The diesel generator monitoring system has various above-mentioned added benefits. It provides power to various emergency services in case of a power shortage. 


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