Enroll in online Scratch coding for kids (Grade 1 - 4)

Online scratch coding for kids | Image Resource: brightpips.com There are online courses that teach coding to kids. The courses are specially designed for kids and they are made easy for the kids to understand. There are online courses for kids from Grade 1- 4. The courses teach code, maths, and logic to the kids. The courses follow a project-based curriculum and teach the kids through many examples and projects. The kids are taught through mediums like storytelling, animation, art, music, and games. This makes kids learn easily. The kids are taught through Scratch programming language. All over the world, Scratch is used to teach kids to code. The online Scratch coding for kids courses are taught through interactive virtual classrooms. Features of online classes The kids can converse with the other kids and the teacher during the online classes. The kids can ask a question to the teacher through emojis. The kids can ask the teacher to go slow or fast. Details of the onlin...